Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 18

Well....lastnight Bella Grace decided to pull her "noodle" out of her picc line!! We hope and pray it didn't get contaminated because there was blood everywhere and it was open for germs or whatever to enter!! We finally got it cleaned up and her back in the bed at 2 a.m.!! Ughhhhhhh!! On top of everything else I had an earache untill like 5a.m. when I finally just passed out!! Being in this room 24/7 is starting to take a toll on me lol! But I am strong and with gods grace I will make it!! I cant wait to get out of here and be a normal family again!! We still cant get Bella to eat much at all and I guess the nurses thought I was lying and tried to feed her herself and Bella grace thru it at her! lol I know I shouldn't laugh but I have been trying and trying SHE JUST WONT EAT!!! Anyway, mabey I am just going stir crazy like the doctors say I would I dont know!! Please continue for Bella Grace and Callie as well as me and Jason! Love, Amy

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 17

Well we have been pretty lazy today lol. Slept untill 11:00 and then I got Callie dressed and we went to the harbor so that she could get out of the room for awhile. She had a great time there!! Not too much to post about Bella Grace. She has been doing great playing and walking all over this room. Too bad we are stuck here for 3 more weeks!! =( But we are making the best of it and have faith in god to get us thru this and both our babies 100% healthy again!! Well....guess I will go for now please keep us in your prayers and you are always in mine! Love, Amy

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 16

We had a really good day today!! Not too much I can post about Bella Grace because we will not be getting test or CT scans done for a couple of weeks! =( But we do know the antibiotics is working agressivly on the absess that are on her brain! We had some really great friends come to visit us today and they always make us feel better!! =) We laughed and played for hours with the kids and Bella and Callie were so excited to have Nathan and Carly to come and play considering we cant leave the room! It has been really hard as far as that goes! But great friends and family is what we have been blessed with and they always make our day better!! Thanks again to you all for such a wonderful time! Please continue to pray for Bella and Callie and we are always praying for you! Love, Amy

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 15

Just sitting here watching my babies sleep...  Callie Reese is here with me! I miss her so much when she has to go!! =( That has been one of the hardest things I have ever done being without her while Bella Grace has been here. She is usually the one in the hospital and Bella Grace stays with Dana. We found about Callie had a kidney disease when Bella Grace was only 5 weeks old and I couldnt imagine taking a baby to a hospital where she could catch something and her imune system being so weak at such a young age! Thank god for great friends!! So she was use to staying away from mommy as much as we had to come to Children's with Callie! But this is a first being away from Callie and it has killed me! But I love all my children the same and I did what I had to do for Callie and now it was Bella Grace's turn in some since! I hate seeing my babies sick and would take their place in a heartbeat!!! I love them with all that I have!! I dont know what I would do without them!! I mean seriously life was pretty dang boring without them!! LOL My poor Bella grace is getting two medications by mouth now and she is not liking that too much at all lol. The doctors say we will be here still for awhile!! So physical therapy has been coming in everyday and getting her up and walking so her bones don't get weak from being in here! =( My best friends are coming to visit tonight which is always fun! They know how to really lift our spirits and have me laughing the whole time!! You know Friends are the family we choose for ourselves! My friends and family are the greatest and I thank god for them everyday!! Well.... going to go for now. Please pray that next week these brain absess are gone! Please continue to pray for both my babies!! And we will continue to pray for all of you. Love, Amy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 14

Well we were having a pretty good day untill they came in to infuse her vancomicyn and her picc line is stopped up! =( Looks like we may be having another one put in tomorrow! They are going to try to put something in that cleans the "junk" out first and we will go from there. She still seems to be in good spirits and is sitting here eating her lunch now. She is such a good baby and its so hard to be stuck in this room 24/7 but its hospital policy! Anyone that has been diagnosed with MRSA can not leave the room without extreme precautions! So looks like we are making the best of it here! I will keep yall posted on any changes and I hope everyone has a great day!! Please dont forget Miss Bella Grace in your prayers!! Praying the next CT scan in a couple weeks shows NO ABSESS!! Praying for a miracle and with GOD all things are possible! <3 Love, Amy

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 13

Here we are sitting in this room at childrens hospital. Bella Grace has been playing with the few toys they have brought in for her. We found out that Bella Grace had MRSA on March 21st 2011. She was running a 105.8 fever when we got to our local hospital and she started having seizures while we were waiting to be seen. They rushed her back and finally after 30 min they got the seizures to stop! That was the scariest thing I had ever seen as a mom!!! =( They sent us to childrens hospital that night and she continues to run very high fevers while we waited on the blood cultures to come back. When they did, It showed that she had MRSA. She was released on a very strong antibiotic and was sent home after a one week stay. Exactly a week later she started coughing in the middle of the night and I turned on the light to find her having another seizure! We rushed her to the local emergency room again! They ran several test and a ct scan came back showing 3 absess on her brain!! I cried and cried as we waited for them to airlift her to childrens! I have had my scares which I will go into more later with my other daughter Callie. But this was life threatning and scared me to death! I am a very strong person and I believe GOD gives me the strength I need to be strong for my children! They are my life!! My sister picked me up and we headed strait to childrens. She was addmitted to ICU and then The special care unit untill she was finally put on the 6th floore. So many test have been done during this time and as of the ct scan they did yesterday one of the absess is completly gone and the rest have went down by 70% which is amazing!! Prayer works and she has so many people praying for her!!!! GOD is great and is going to see us all thru this. We continue to also pray for my other daughter Callie. She was diagnosed with Nephrotic syndrome in January 2010 and has been in the hopital so much I feel like we live there more than home! She was on chemo in September thru December 2010 and had a picc line put in February 2011 which is still in and she is on 6 medications by mouth and 1 thru her picc line but she is doing great at this time! We are so happy to have her healthy and then this hits us with Bella Grace hit us! Everyone calls me super mom but really I just do what any of us would do for our children as moms!! I just started this blog and will continue to post everyday that we are here. At this time they say we will be here over a month! =( Please continue to pray for both my babies and I will continue to pray for all of you!! <3 Love,  Amy